Jade Empress (Futa )Comic Update #6
sigh fuck me it’s been a rough couple of weeks started a new job since the last one...

Small update so Jade Empress Update 5b I guess
Been mainly focusing on the Leia porn art this week since I really wanted to post a concrete...

General Update and a Jade Empress Update #5
Alright pretty late on this update I’ve been really mentally and physically busy but I did get a...

Jade Empress Futa Comic Update #4
Alright, so this is what I’ve been up to this week, fuck me I wish I wasn’t so...

Jade Empress Futa Porn Comic Update #3
Well, this is interesting after looking it over I realized I didn’t have that great of a transition...

Comic Update # (I forgot which number I’m going to say) 4
I’ve been extremely busy this week. I haven’t had time to work on a pinup alongside this comic...

Busy this Week but I was able to get some work done on my comic :)
Also, I was able to get some work on those color schemes for the officers of the crew....

What I’ve been working this week
So, no new pinup or lewd coupling this week. My family got not one but two new puppies...

Jade Empress Progress Update #3
Because I’m so great with the whole social media thing I completely forgot to update you all on...