Hi, all goddamn was this piece a doozy to do but I’m so glad I got it done. 🙂 I’m planning on doing this type of artwork for some of my favorite One Piece girls so be on the lookout for that. However, right now I’m not sure if I’ll do it with this many poses but we’ll see. I’ve recently rediscovered my love for skimpy outfits as honestly being one of the reasons I’ve even started doing this whole pinup thing in the first place, so the three outfits are a must. Also, I’m doing this as a bit of an experiment of sorts not only by doing this new One Piece series of mine but seeing if I can successfully sell some sexy fanarts on Gumroad, so we’ll see how this goes.
Here are the previous pinups I did from last year: https://shaowarts.com/category/pinups/
And here is where you can buy the whole of on pinups if you guys want to throw a couple of bucks my way. Thanks all: https://shaowarts.gumroad.com/l/rqbob
By the way, Happy New Year.

Also P.S. I know it’s been a hell long time since I’ve posted about my comics but don’t you worry I’ve been working every day on that thing so expect a long update on that soon.