Alright, so this is what I’ve been up to this week, fuck me I wish I wasn’t so busy with the new job. I really want to be working more on this and on another pinup, specifically a Star Wars futa on female pinup since it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a futa on female piece and I want more examples of that on my website, and I have been watching a lot of star wars lore videos recently so I got a real itch to do some lewd star wars stuff.
Another thing I want to work on is the Kless pinup I started for my 4th anniversary. This year I started it earlier since I knew I would be busy as fuck with this new job but I also realized that if I don’t start cracking on this comic soon it would never get done so that pinup got put on the back burner. sigh
Anyway, here’s what I’ve been thinking about working on for the next few months (just letting you all know since you might be interested in the next thing coming out of my disputed mind):
-the lewd futa on female Star Wars piece
-some more power girl smut since I can’t get enough of her and her huge tits, I actually ordered some comics of her recently since I want to learn more about her character than just her sexy design
-the Kless pinup for the anniversary (and hopefully a pinup of Kless fucking her wife Zara since I’ve never actually made that yet and that needs to happen someday)
Besides all of the above (the Jade Empress comic is a given) also I want to get the outline done for my sfw comic book. Because as much as I love making this lewd porn stuff, I want to be able to show off to my family what I’ve been doing all this time without freaking them out from porn and the like.
Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. Damn, writing all this out feels good. Thanks for reading so far and I hope you have a nice night or day where ever you are.