The commission is done and now I have some free time to work on the pinup for my 3 Year anniversary. Hooyah. Ngl I’m actually happy how the commission came out, which surprises me since it wasn’t something I usually draw but I was on good terms with the commissioner and I wanted to try something new, so it was a nice experience.
Here’s the pinup:

For this one I wanted a trio of characters since it’s the 3rd anniversary’s and it also seemed like a nice way to introduce the new characters and characters design for my old characters like Kless and Zara. I hope I get get the skindentition and boob squash for this one. 🙂
Also what have you guys been up to? For me in my free time I’ve been playing Dragonflight the new WoW, so far I’ve been very impressed, especially when I compare to BFA and the shit show that was Shadowlands, but I’m just waiting for Blizzard to screw it up somehow. Man I wish I didn’t have to be so cynical about the games I love. 🙁